won’t lie; I mostly enjoyed being the answer girl because being helpful is a
top bell-ringer for my soul. But later
I became more like Holly Hunter in “Broadcast News”, when her boss snarkily
says, “It must be nice…to always think you are the smartest person in the
room”. She replies in anguish, “No, it’s awful.” Yes, it was nice, before I was a Mom, without the
responsibility of this little person’s life on my shoulders. Now it’s awful.
is life’s big game changer, isn’t it?
When we realize we are actually responsible to and for people other than
ourselves. It doesn’t have to be a
child, either…it can be a sibling or parent who is struggling; a spouse, an
employee…anyone who is looking to you for real answers and support.
the perspective we have on other people’s lives can make us very effective
guides to whatever they are grappling with; our own struggles are an entirely
different story. Especially when life
has got you “up to your ass in alligators”, there is no brain space for
strategizing and wisdom. So often when
we are facing incredible stressors we just downshift into survival mode, and that is as good as it gets.
first four years of my son’s life were spent entirely in this survival mode for
me. Life dealt a series of blows so hard
and quick that I never even got back on my feet before the next one came. In the first year alone we had to deal with
scary health issues for our tiny newborn, my husband losing his job, my living
alone with a baby who never slept, a dog and a house on the market when my
husband left to start his new job, the move itself, a terminal cancer diagnosis
for my Father and the death of my husband’s Dad. That was year one, and it turned out the
universe was just getting started with me.I remember at one point in the second (even worse, believe it or not) year, I was sitting in my car at the side of the road. My Mother was watching my son and we were waiting for the results of some frankly terrifying genetic testing the doctors had decided to run on him, tests that took 2 weeks to “develop”. I was so afraid and broken; I just sat there alone sobbing my eyes out, until finally I started screaming, “I DON’T WANT THIS!” Over and over again.
after I had finished, I felt calm and somehow reassured. I had already absorbed so much loss and grief
that was beyond my control, it felt good to state
a preference. It felt empowering to claim
my desire NOT TO BE MESSED WITH anymore.
And though life continued to be very challenging for all of us after that,
those particular tests came back normal. Although
if they had not, I know I would have managed that too.
the time my son turned four, we had also suffered the death of my Dad, the very
untimely death of my 39 year old writing partner and friend, a serious
hospitalization for my sister, another job loss for my husband and another
quite horribly bungled move...that, in addition to the difficulties my child
faced. In short, it was awful. And there were
no answers I had at the time that could have made it any better.
I survived and my son is now a happy, healthy almost 11 year old boy. And while I learned that it is critically
important to our mental health to both KNOW and be able to VOICE our
preferences, the tactic that is most effective in coping with back-breaking
stress is to just LET IT BE.
Circumstances happen that are beyond our control and there is no good in
banging our heads against walls or pushing up against a fact.
LET IT BE is not about giving up; it is about acceptance and our ability to receive the help and answers we need as they become available.
we are coping with grief, stress, crisis or all of the above, it is cruel to
believe we should have all the answers, or should be able to handle it on our
own. We all have experienced times in
our lives when just getting out of bed in the morning and taking a shower feels
like a Herculean accomplishment (and it is!).
As counterintuitive as it may seem, it is when we are most under
pressure that we must relax and let it be.
LET IT BE is not about giving up; it is about acceptance and our ability to receive the help and answers we need as they become available.
remember reading a story once in which a woman asked her gardener in
exasperation, “Will it EVER stop raining?”
He answered her quite simply: “It
always does.”
This is the essence of letting it be. Even though we ourselves are powerless to stop the rain, it WILL stop. And so we get out of bed and take a shower and keep putting one foot in front of the other until it does.
also: even in the most turbulent
downpour, there is room for joy. As
horrible and devastating as those years were in many ways, I was also the
mother of a precious boy. And a
physically healthy and capable woman.
And a friend, daughter, sister, wife.
These were things that helped keep me anchored in the storm.This is the essence of letting it be. Even though we ourselves are powerless to stop the rain, it WILL stop. And so we get out of bed and take a shower and keep putting one foot in front of the other until it does.
Exquisitely beautiful. I'll be on the road tomorrow but will post this on my website page soon. "Let it be." And more words, "When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, Speaking words of wisdom, Let it be. In my hour of darkness, She is standing right in front of me..." (Substitute Divine Mother, Sophia, Tara or anything that works for Mother Mary. Or leave as is.) You've withstood so much, Kara. Thank you for sharing your song. It's mine, too.